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Together for the Amazon! Support Idesam and directly help communities and projects that defend the sustainable use of natural resources in the region.
In over 16 years of hard work for the Amazon, Idesam has become one of the social organizations with the greatest impact in Brazil and also with international prominence. Our work with rural producers, traditional, riverside and indigenous communities has already reached around 5,000 families, distributed in 10 municipalities in the region.
We are Idesam
Our mission is to promote sustainability in the Amazon region and seek alternatives for environmental conservation, social development and climate change mitigation.
Environmental Acting
100 thousand
Planted trees
Carbon tonnes offset

Idesam promotes the 'Regatão do Bem' campaign, with the objective of taking supplies to families in locations further away from the Amazon and in situations of risk.
Social Acting
tons of food delivered
Riverside and urban communities served
We seek to stimulate the development of socio-biodiversity productive chains, through actions that generate income and autonomy for producers in the Amazon region.
Economic Acting
Established partnerships
Supported businesses
Working for the Amazon cannot be a lonely struggle. Any support is welcome and you can help in many ways.
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